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Category: Posts

8 Tax Tips for Self-Employed Workers

Self-employment can be incredibly fulfilling, but it can also come with increased tax burdens and deductions you’ll need to keep … Read More

6 Tax Deductions You May Not Know About

Do you expect a tax refund this year? Whether you get money back or owe taxes to the IRS can … Read More

5 Tax Credits for Families With Children

Raising children can be a costly endeavor, even if it’s an incredibly rewarding one. In fact, the U.S. Department of … Read More

State Tax Rate Comparison: Which States Have the Lowest Taxes?

Almost everyone who lives in the United States pays some form of taxes, but did you know that the amount … Read More

How Unemployment Benefits Can Affect Your Federal and State Income Tax Return

Tax season can be stressful for many Americans, especially those who have struggled to make ends meet or find consistent … Read More

Learn How to Track Your Tax Refund and Get Your Money Faster!

If you want to learn how to track your federal income tax refund or just want to expedite the process, … Read More

How to File for a Federal Income Tax Extension

During tax season, many Americans eagerly anticipate a tax refund. Others, however, may need to pay the taxes they owe. … Read More

Looking for Tax Help? Here are 5 Free Tax Filing Assistance Programs to Try

Depending on your financial and tax situation, tax season can be a stressful or exciting time. Unless you’re filing for … Read More

Looking to Save Some $$$ This Tax Season? Consider These Free Online Tax Filing Software Programs

Professional tax filing services can be a huge help when you need to file your taxes. They can help you … Read More

6 Tax Tips for College Students 

Taxes can be an exciting or daunting time, depending on your own situation. If you’re filing taxes for the first … Read More